Alembic, migration management
The creation, management and invocation of change management scripts for a relational database, using SQLalchemy as base engine
still confused
eg. If you check Django you can see migrations are created each time we make changes to database.this act is performed by alembic.
Practical guide :: you can check youtube video .
Step 1 : intialize the environment
Command: :
|| alembic init alembic
you must have alembic installed.
About the files and directories created << check documentation this is quick guide lol >>
link :
Step 2 :
build revision using command
alembic revision -m “create table for user”
This will create version named similar to
Inside this you have upgrade and downgrade method.
Upgrade is used for creating whereas downgrade for removing or dropping
If you want to change things like version path, script location ??
check alembic.ini file
script location: alembic -> . if you have alembic.ini inside alembic